Thursday, February 17, 2011

Societal Constructs and the Working Man

Many things could be said about this image. A striking piece, many are unsure of how to react. Should we feel challenged? Confused? Distraught? Nauseated? Aroused?

Perhaps we should feel liberated. Or perhaps oppressed. An authority is certainly present in this image. Yet, at the same time, we are albeit invited to make a mess of things all over the margins. Nobody said anything about the margins.

If we were allowed to, what would we write in the box? A dirty word? Or something routinely mundane, such as a grocery list?

Are we allowed to draw in the box? Suppose we are allowed to do so. What should we draw, keeping in mind that we cannot use words? Does this change our sense of expression? Are we less free to express ourselves if limited to pictures only?

Were we ever free to express ourselves?


These kinds of questions routinely cause intellectual people to have brain implosions. The above was designed specifically to induce just such a reaction. If you have read this far and your brain is not leaking out your ear, pat yourself on the back and go play with a forklift.

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